One step closer to nurse workplace violence protection thumbnail

Addressing Workplace Violence in Healthcare: Legislation and Progress Workplace violence is a major concern for nurses and other healthcare providers. Statistics from a 2019 nurse survey showed that 1 in 4 nurses experienced some form of assault.  Being a nurse of over 35 years, I can recall several times being hit, bit and kicked by… Continue reading One Step Closer To Nurse Workplace Violence Protection

How to begin travel nursing thumbnail

How To Begin Travel Nursing Have you ever thought of traveling and seeing the states you’ve never been to before? As the pandemic continues and the need for quality nurses grows across our country, this might be the time to consider Travel Nursing. Facilities throughout the United States are in need of more and more… Continue reading How To Begin Travel Nursing

How does a nurse handle crisis standards of care thumbnail

How Does a Nurse Handle Crisis Standards of Care? Being a nurse of over 35 years in Southeast Louisiana, I have been faced with multiple situations that questioned standards of care. I’m not talking about being sure your patients are getting their medication within 30 minutes of the time it is ordered, or completing that… Continue reading How Does a Nurse Handle Crisis Standards of Care?

Don't let them steal your joy thumbnail

Don’t Let Them Steal Your Joy While thinking about what to talk to you guys about, I was throwing around many ideas. The holidays are coming – so what about recipes or craft ideas to make gift-giving easier. The New Year is right around the corner – so what about recommendations on a good self-improvement… Continue reading Don’t Let Them Steal Your Joy

Marijuana for therapeutic use thumbnail

Marijuana for Therapeutic Use Clinician’s Corner Angela Totora, MBA/HA, RN Director of Nursing Marijuana for Therapeutic Use There is a lot of talk about medical marijuana. Do you know what that means to you as a nurse? Here are a few topics that might help you understand this complex issue. Obtaining and using medical marijuana… Continue reading Marijuana for Therapeutic Use

10 ways to be professional thumbnail

10 Ways To Be a Professional Have you heard a nurse manager say, “That nurse didn’t act professionally?” What did that mean? Isn’t it enough to do your job, and show up on time? What else should you do to be seen as acting professionally? Professionalism is demonstrated by you providing the care that you… Continue reading 10 Ways To Be A Professional

The compact is coming to louisiana thumbnail

The Nursing Licensure Compact Is Coming To Louisiana! Louisiana is the 31st state in the nation to enact the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC). The NLC increases access to care, protects patient safety, and reduces costs while supporting state-of-the-art health care delivery. The NLC has been streamlining the licensure process since it was first launched in… Continue reading The NLC Compact Is Coming To Louisiana!

Easier charting for nurses thumbnail

Easier Charting for Nurses   Charting is a primary task for all healthcare providers. Electronic health records (EHR) were developed to improve patient care and decrease non-bedside activity. When an EHR system performs well, nurses have more time to devote to patient-centered care, and after all, that is what we do. Frustration with EHRs has… Continue reading Easier Charting for Nurses

Why join your professional nursing organization thumbnail

Why Join Your Professional Nursing Organization? If you are a nurse and haven’t joined a professional association, you may be missing out on many career-building and professional development opportunities. Nurses join professional nursing organizations for many reasons. Some join to learn what’s going on and to stay current in the nursing field. Others want to… Continue reading Why Join Your Professional Nursing Organization?